Mixtape Board
Project Timeline: Oct. 2016 - Dec. 2016
This board is a digital “mixtape,” designed to be a compact way to share a music playlist and recordings with friends.
Similar to a cassette, when given to others it has a surprise factor of not knowing what’s up next.
Board was built up in December 2016, and general functionality (power regulation, bluetooth control, SD card, audio out) was confirmed. Will be uploading the code to github when have it better shape.
Main Features:
- Plug-in bluetooth module (like the HC-06 or CC2540) allows for remote control with an phone or computer.
- Power comes from a rechargeable 18650 Li-ion battery.
- Teensy 3.2 is used as the microcontroller.
- Audio is single channel, 3W Class-D amplifier using a PAM8009DHR
Built PCB:
PCB Top:
PCB Bottom:
Assembled Stackup:
Disassembled Stackup:
- Github page
- Main audio board can be ordered from oshpark here.